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COMAknowledge>Sales contracts>When you receive an alarm

When you receive an alarm

The purpose of alarms and notifications is for you, the recipient, to take an active role in updating the contractual conditions and contract status.

You will receive these notifications when the date e.g. contract renewal or contract expiration, plus the number of notice days specified, is reached.

What you can do when you receive an alarm

  1. Next to each contract listed in the email, you can see what triggered the notification
  2. Click the “Go to” link next to the contract(s) you have received a notification about
  3. Review the contract cover page and update if necessary:
    1. Update the contract status
    2. Date of expiration
    3. Renewal date
    4. Disable the alarm for a period of time

These alarms are set up automatically, depending on contract type, if dates are entered

  1. Expiration date
  2. Renewal date
  3. Date of birth
  4. Anniversary date