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COMAknowledge>Staff contracts>Add appraisal interviews

Add appraisal interviews

Easily manage your appraisal interviews by scheduling, creating and saving them for each employee.

How to add an appraisal interview

  1. Find the staff contract where you want to add an appraisal interview
  2. Open the contract front page
  3. Click on “Appraisal interview” in the left menu
  4. Click on “Add appraisal interview”
  5. Fill in “Held on” with the date
  6. Select the responsible of the conversation in the “Responsible” dropdown
  7. Select employee satisfaction in the “Satisfaction” dropdown
  8. Enter a short “Conclusion”
  9. Click “Upload” to attach a conversation document
  10. Select the status of the appraisal interview in the “Status” dropdown